How Do You Measure Success?

If you type in “How do Financial Planners Measure Success?” you will find yourself in a rabbit hole of articles about “assets under management”, “building a scalable business”, and “measuring monetary success for the business.”

Rarely does the article mention how a financial planner measures success for their clients. It seems as though, if their business is making money, then their clients must be too.

At Tupicoffs, we like to take a different approach. Our fundamental value is to make a “meaningful, positive difference” in the life of our clients. When we sit down with our clients at their first appointment, we ask them what is important to them, what their financial goals are, and ask what we can do for them.

We are constantly getting feedback about the holistic, high quality approach each of our Independent Financial Planners has to their clients unique situations. It is because of this focus on making a meaningful, positive difference that we have so many long term clients. In fact, our longest serving client has been with us for over 40 years.

It is important that we successfully manage each client’s portfolio, we work with them, and for them to achieve their financial goals.

Our measurement of success is not only client satisfaction and happiness. If we can see our clients achieving their financial goals, then we know we have done our job to the best of our abilities. That is how we at Tupicoffs measure success.

For holistic financial advice tailored to your personal situation…

Established in 1970, Tupicoffs is the most respected financial planning practice in Australia.

What Is Fee-For-Service?


The Tupicoffs Philosophy