Get To Know Our Clients

At Tupicoffs, we have been providing holistic advice to clients around Australia for over 50 years. We worry about our clients money so they don't have to.

Our role is to ensure life's financial opportunities are explored and the pitfalls avoided. We provide peace of mind for clients who have areas of interest, expertise or focus, other than their finances. We know life isn't all about money, but we also know how important financial confidence is to enjoying the other aspects of life. In this article, we take a look at our four main types of clients.

Business Owners

Many of our clients are business owners or retired business owners. Often they are very successful in their chosen field and prefer to spend their time on that, rather than managing their personal finances.



Our retired clients consistently tell us they didn't retire to take on a job managing their finances. They want to enjoy the rewards of retirement and outsource the burden of financial management to someone they can trust.

High Income Earners

High Income Earners

Our service is suitable to clients who want to eliminate the burden of managing their own complex financial situations. We specialise in assisting those who have achieved a high level of wealth, looking to outsource the day to day management of their assets to a team dedicated to monitoring and managing their situation closely.


Over 45’s

We specialise in clients over 45 years old and enjoy solving more complex financial planning challenges. Our clients understand the value of good advice and appreciate the benefits of our completely independent financial planning model.


By Delma Newton - Certified Financial Planner

If you want the successful team at Tupicoffs to worry about your money for you…

Established in 1970, Tupicoffs is the most respected financial planning practice in Australia.

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